BINTANG BETAWI Batavia (Jakarta) – Monday Edition, May 2, 1904


Closing Swamps to Stop Malaria Outbreak

Malaria is a disease caused by the bites of the Anopheles mosquitoes. This mosquito breeds well in the swamps and puddles where the water does not flow. Locations like this are often found in Cilacap, Tanjung Priuk, and other coastal areas, such as Sianghaji. Following up on this information, the Sianghaji Government has disbursed funds to close swampy areas and drain the water into the sea. Since the effort begins, the number of malaria victims has decreased significantly compared to what happened in previous years. This should be an example of what the Flood Prevention Planning Team (Departement Waterstaat) can do in dealing with the spread of malaria and floods in Batavia.

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