Tiga Menguak Takdir (Three Uncover Destiny)


Author: Chairil Anwar, Rivai Apin, & Asrul Sani

Published: Balai Pustaka

Year Published: 1950

Category: Fiction  

This collection of poems, Tiga Menguak Takdir (Three Uncover Destiny), which summarizes the pioneering poems of the Angkatan '45 ('45 Generation), is the embodiment of that cultural attitude, as well as a rejection of the literary tradition of the New Poet generation. They affirmed their attitude towards the New Poet Generation with the statement: "We are the rightful heirs of the world's culture and we will continue this culture in our own way." The book written by Chairil Anwar, Rivai Apin, and Asrul Sani which started the formation of the Angkatan '45 generation. Readers are invited to read the poems of Indonesian writers who lived in the midst of the raging war of Indonesian independence, so that readers can feel the bitterness of the times at that time.

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