Penduduk Papua Barat (West Papuans)


Author: Harsja W. Bachtiar & Koentjaraningrat (Editor)

Published: Universitas Indonesia

Year Published: 1963

Category: Non-Fiction

The Penduduk Papua Barat (West Papuans) is a classic book that discusses the study of Papuan ethnology. This book is an anthology of research by anthropologists and sociologists. This book was edited by anthropologist Koentjaraningrat and sociologist Harsja W. Bachtiar. This research was published, due to the government's need to obtain accurate information about the Papuan people. Because Papua was only taken from the Netherlands by Indonesia through Operation Trikora. This book is a valuable reference for readers who want to explore Papuan studies, because this book is an early scientific study of Papua. This book then sparked the emergence of research on Papua on Indonesian campuses.

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