Kebudayaan : Pemikiran, Konsepsi Keteladanan dan Sikap Merdeka (Culture: Thoughts, Conceptions of Exemplary and Independent Attitudes)


Author: Ki Hajar Dewantara

Published: Madjelis Luhur Taman Siswa

Year Published: 1994

Category: Non-Fiction

The book Kebudayaan : Pemikiran, Konsepsi Keteladanan dan Sikap Merdeka (Culture: Thoughts, Conceptions of Exemplary and Independent Attitudes)  is Ki Hajar Dewantara's thoughts on culture. The father of Indonesian education, apart from conceptualizing education, he also conceptualizes culture in the realm of education. Ki Hajar Dewantara not only wants to create smart and intelligent people in Indonesian education, but also people with culture. Because Indonesia not only needs people who are academically smart, but also have a high culture. Indonesian education needs to create people who are smart and also have good culture and manners, so that they can produce intelligent and characterful people.

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