Burung-Burung Manyar (Manyar Birds)


Author: Y.B. Mangunwijaya (Romo Mangun)

Published: Sinar Harapan 

Year Published: 1981

Category: Fiction

The Burung-Burung Manyar (Manyar Birds) novel is a  masterpiece of Father Mangun. Manyar Birds is a historical novel. Sutadewa or Teto, a mixed-blood Indo-Dutch who is the main character in the novel. Teto lived in 4 different historical periods from 1934-1978. Teto experienced the Dutch colonial period where he lived happily at first, then came the Japanese colonial period where his father was killed and his Dutch mother was made a concubine by the Japanese. Then Teto experienced the War of Independence, until the New Order era. Through the dynamics of Teto's life, the author tries to find deviations that occurred in the writing of the history of the Indonesian Revolution. The historical setting of the Manyar Birds is told in a flowing manner with several anecdotal inputs to make it easier for readers to understand the author's intent.

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