Ishtar Queen of the Night meets Jackson Pollock - One: Number, 31 (1950)
painting entitled One: Number, 31 (1950) was made by Jackson Pollock in
1950. This painting is one of the masterpieces of the drip style painting,
Pollock paints by dripping paint onto a big canvas that he spreads onto the
floor. This drip technique later became the hallmark of Pollock. Of course,
this work is one of his iconic works. The color composition, which looks like a
dynamic color knot, gives energy to every visual composition of this work. This
masterpiece was later purchased by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) located in
New York, United States and has been in the MoMA collection since 1968. Then in
2013 this painting was taken down from the collection room, because this
painting was dusty and had to be restored to restore the painting. to its
original quality. The work that was later presented at MoMA now, is a work that
has been restored.