Pergolakan (Turbulence)
Author: Wildan Yatim
Published: Pustaka Jaya
Year Published: 1974
Category: Fiction
The novel Pergolakan (Turbulence) is a historical novel written by Wildan Yatim, as the title puts turbulence as the main motive of his literature. This novel tells the story of the PRRI Rebellion in Sumatra. In this novel, the main character is faced with two turbulences. The first is the power struggle between the central government and the PRRI rebels. The next turbulence is the second upheaval which is more moral in nature, namely the upheaval caused by the transformation of traditional religious culture to modernism. The final turbulence is the turbulence in love. It seems that the turbulence about love was deliberately added by the author as a spice to the story, so that the story is more dynamic. Of course, this is necessary so that readers can draw a moral message from this novel.