Dari Perbendaharaan Lama: Menyingkap Sejarah Islam di Nusantara (From the Old Treasury: Uncovering the History of Islam in the Archipelago)


Author: Buya Hamka  

Published: Pustaka Panjimas

Year Published: 1963

Category: Non-Fiction

From the Old Treasury is a history book written by Buya Hamka. Besides being known as an artist, politician, and scholar, it seems that Buya Hamka is also a historian. Buya Hamka wrote about the history of Islam in the archipelago. Hamka managed to show a strong influence and rooted Islamic influence in the archipelago. This book also refutes the narrative of Islamic history made by the Dutch orientalists with historical evidence that can be done. Even though this book is a history book, it is written in a literary style so that it is easy to read and accessible.

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