Hujan Kepagian (Morning Rain)
Author: Nugroho Notosusanto
Published: Balai Pustaka
Year Published: 1958
Category: Fiction
The Hujan Kepagian (Morning Rain) depicts the heroism of the Student Army in defending the independence of Indonesia, 1945-1949. For the sake of their homeland and a better future for the next generation, these young students in their teens are willing to sacrifice and leave forever at a young age. The Hujan Kepagian (Morning Rain), written by Nugroho Notosusanto, who was involved in the war of independence and also a member of the Student Army, is detailed, touching and sharp. How Nugroho described a heroic student soldier who was injured, endured aches, pains and how the wounds were described in such detail that the reader could feel the horror of the war.