Hadramaut dan Koloni Arab di Nusantara (Hadramaut and Arab Colonies in the Archipelago)


Author: L.W.C. van den Berg

Published: Indonesian-Netherland Cooperation in Islamic Studies (INIS)

Year Published: 1989

Category: Non-Fiction

The book Hadramaut dan Koloni Arab di Nusantara (Hadramaut and Arab Colonies in the Archipelago) is the magnum opus of L.W.C. van den Berg who was the advisor to the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies for Islamic and Indigenous affairs. This book discusses the history and culture of the Arab-Indonesian ethnicity. This book is a comprehensive preliminary study of ethnic Arab-Indonesians, most of whom are from Hadramaut, South Yemen. This book is still a reference for researching the Arab-Indonesian community, whose deeply influence on the life of the Indonesian today. This book eventually sparked the emergence of a lot of research on the Arab-Indonesian community.

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