Islam, Kemodernan, dan Keindonesiaan (Islam, Modernity, and Indonesia)


Author: Nurcholis Madjid

Published: Mizan

Year Published: 2008

Category: Non-Fiction

"Islam Yes! Islamic Party No!” is a controversial statement by Nurcholis Madjid, which at the same time raised our concern. This statement makes us think, is the political path of Indonesian Muslims correct? In this book, Cak Nur assures us of the need for renewal of Islamic thought which, according to him, needs to be carried out in the context of a more modern journey for Muslims and to respond to the challenges of the times. This book tells about Islam in Indonesia both in the past and also views about it in the future. This book is considered Cak Nur's magnum opus, which later made Cak Nur considered a reformer of Islam in Indonesia. This book is still being studied and found its relevance in the midst of the rise of Islamic populism and transnational Islamic movements in Indonesia.

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