Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang (After Dark Comes Light)


Author: R.A. Kartini

Publisher: Balai Pustaka

Year Published: 1922

Category: Non-Fiction

After Dark Comes Light is a collection of letters written by Kartini. The collection of letters was recorded by J.H. Abendanon with the title Door Duisternis Tot Licht or in its Indonesian title, Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang (After Dark Comes Light). After Kartini died, J.H. Abendanon collected and recorded letters that R.A Kartini had sent to her friends in Europe. Abendanon at that time served as Minister of Culture, Religion and Crafts of the Dutch East Indies. This book then opens the world's eyes about the fate of Indonesian women, who do not get gender equality. This book made many people start fighting for equality for women in Indonesia.

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