Islam Aktual: Refleksi Sosial Seorang Cendekiawan Muslim (Actual Islam: Social Reflection of a Muslim Scholar)


Author: Jalaluddin Rakhmat

Published: Mizan

Year Published: 1991

Category: Non-Fiction

How does a Muslim intellectual, scholar, Muslim scholar reflect his thoughts? In the book Islam Actual: Social Reflection of a Muslim Scholar, Jalaluddin Rakhmat or Kang Jalal reflects his thoughts on various things in the Islamic world. According to Kang Jalal, differences in religious understanding are natural because religious teachings descend in the context of space-time. People with various socio-historical backgrounds each try to interpret the texts, namely the Al-Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Differences in the transmission of hadith and ushul al-fiqh lead to different procedures for drawing conclusions. And all that is inevitable.

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