Salah Asuhan (Wrong Upbringing)
Author: Abdul Muis
Published: Balai Pustaka
Year Published: 1928
Category: Fiction
This is the story of a complicated love triangle at the beginning of the modernity of Indonesian people in the Dutch East Indies era. This novel tells the story of Hanafi who was sent to the Hogere Burgere School (HBS), an exclusive school for the Dutch. Hanafi studies at HBS at the expense of his uncle, who is Rapiah's father. The Hanafi-Rapiah-Corrie love triangle is at the same time a love triangle between the Indigenous and European modernity on the one hand and traditional customs on the other. Hanafi, the protagonist of this novel, is "forced to be arranged" with Rapiah (traditional customs) but his heart has been given to Corrie (European modernity). What are the consequences and consequences? Reading this novel, apart from being swept away by an interesting love story, the reader is invited to reflect on the position of Indonesian people in the midst of tradition and modernity from the very beginning.