Butir-Butir Budaya Jawa (Items of Javanese Culture)


Author: Suharto

Published: Yayasan Purna Bhakti Pertiwi

Year Published: 1987

Category: Non-Fiction

Not much is known by today's young generation, that Suharto once wrote a collection of pituduh (suggestions) and wewaler (prohibitions) which Suharto compiled and recorded. This collection of pituduh and wewaler was written by Javanese poets in the past, then became a way of life for a "Javanese knight", Suharto often positioned himself like that. To make it easier for non-Javanese readers, the Javanese proverbs collected in this book are transliterated from the Hanacaraka script to the Latin script, and Indonesian and English translations are also available to make it easier for readers. This book allows readers to understand President Suharto's ideology. Also how Suharto ran his government based on Javanese philosophy.

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