Surat-Surat Kartini, Renungan tentang dan untuk Bangsanya (Kartini's Letters, Reflections on and for Her Nation)


Author: R.A. Kartini

Published: Djambatan

Year Published: 1979

Category: Non-Fiction

The book of Kartini's Letters, Reflections on and for the Nation is a collection of Kartini's letters written in the language and then recorded. Kartini's Letters, Reflections on and for the Nation show another side of Kartini that is not seen in the book After Dark Terbitlah Terang (1922). This book shows another side. In this book, you can see Kartini's development from a teenager who is restless with her surroundings to an adult woman who accepts her destiny as a wife and mother. This is very important because at first Kartini refused to marry. Even if he is married, she only wants a man who respects women. What Kartini wanted came true, Kartini finally got a progressive husband who would respect her thoughts.

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