Gilgamesh Meets Vincent Van Gogh - Wheat Field with Cypresses (1889)


This painting is Wheat Field with Cypresses in 1889. This painting is one of 3 in Van Gogh's series of Wheat Field paintings. All were made at the Mental Hospital, Saint-Paul-de-Mausole Monastery, Saint-Rémy, near Arles, France, where Van Gogh was a patient from May 1889 to May 1890. His works are inspired by the view from the window of a mental asylum, which overlooks the Alpilles Mountains. The painting depicts golden fields of ripe wheat, dark fastigiate Provençal fir towering like green obelisks to the right and light green olive trees in the distance, with hills and mountains visible behind, and white clouds swirling in the blue sky above.

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