Kalangwan: Sastra Jawa Kuno Selayang Pandang (Kalangwan: Ancient Javanese Literature at a Glance)


Author: P.J. Zoetmulder

Published: Djambatan

Year Published: 1983

Category: Non-Fiction

Kalangwan: Sastra Jawa Kuno Selayang Pandang (Kalangwan: Ancient Javanese Literature at a Glance)  is a book that contains a review of Javanese Literature, especially Old Javanese Literature and Middle Javanese Literature. This book was written by P.J. Zoetmulder 1974 in English. The Indonesian translation was published in 1983 and was carried out by Dick Hartoko. Father Zoetmoelder took the title Kalangwan which was taken from the Old Javanese language, which means beauty. This book contains studies, reviews, and brief explanations of old books in Kawi (Old Javanese).

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