Pergolakan Pemikiran Islam: Catatan Harian (Ahmad Wahib (Ahmad Wahib The Upheaval of Islamic Thought: Ahmad Wahib's Diary))
Author: Ahmad Wahib, Djohan Effendi dan Ismet Nasir (Editor)
Published: LP3ES
Year Published: 1981
Category: Non-Fiction
Pergolakan Pemikiran Islam: Catatan Harian (Ahmad Wahib (Ahmad Wahib The Upheaval of Islamic Thought: Ahmad Wahib's Diary)) is his inner and intellectual struggle which he writes in his personal notes. Although his life span was short, only 31 years. Ahmad Wahib was quite influential in the dynamics of the Muslim intellectual world in Indonesia. In his notes, Wahib tried to question what he had believed so far about God, Islamic teachings, Muslim society, political views, to science and others. Ahmad Wahib's diary was edited and recorded by his friends, Djohan Effendi and Ismet Nasir. This book was published after Ahmad Wahib died.