Tanah Kesayangan (Beloved Land)


Author: Bokor Hutasuhut

Published: Pembangunan

Year Published: 1965

Category: Fiction

The novel Tanah Kesayangan (Beloved Land) raises the world view of the people in Tanah Batak (Batak Homeland), especially during the Japanese colonial era and the Dutch military aggression. The Batak community is a big concern of Bokor Hutasuhut in the novel Tanah Kesayangan. The author describes the picture of the Batak community in great detail. The Batak people who live on the shores of Lake Toba are described as people who want to break away from colonialism, both Japanese and Dutch. Japan and the Netherlands in the view of the Batak people who live in a small town on the shores of Lake Toba are invaders who must be removed from Tapanuli. They only cause misery and oppress the people.

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