Madilog (Materialism, Dialectic, Logic)


Author: Tan Malaka

Published: Penerbit Pribadi

Year Published: 1943

Category: Non-Fiction  

Tan Malaka is known as the Father of the Republic of Indonesia and had a big role in the struggle for Indonesian independence. Apart from being a freedom fighter, Tan Malaka is known as a thinker and philosopher. Madilog is the masterpiece of Tan Malaka. Tan Malaka tried to synthesize his thoughts on Indonesian nationality by using Marxist dialectical materialism-dialectical thinking as well as Hegelian logic. Tan Malaka wrote this book because he saw the reality of the great influence of mysticism on Indonesian society. Tan Malaka emphasized the importance of philosophical and scientific ways of thinking, so that the Indonesian nation would be free from the shackles of cult and superstitious thinking.

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