Humbaba Meets Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn - The Return of the Prodigal Son (1661-1669)


This painting entitled The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of Rembrandt's last works. This masterpiece was made in the years 1661 – 1669, only completed before the death of Rembrandt. This painting depicts the biblical story of a prodigal son when he returns to his father, repenting of his sins and begging for forgiveness. Rembrandt took inspiration from the parable that Jesus told in the Gospel of Luke, which contains a story 'The Parable of the Prodigal Son.' Jesus in his preaching often uses the story of the 'parable of the prodigal son' to describe when humans who are His servants, often turn away from Him. like a lost child. But one day he will return to Him and regret his past actions and sins. During his life, Jesus preached a lot by using parables to make it easier for his people to understand his teachings, of which his famous parables are the 'parable of the lost sheep' and also 'the parable of the prodigal son.' These parables are one of the teachings of Jesus that are still being studied today in various Christian denominations, even the story of the 'parable of the prodigal son' until now this story is still read by pastors when they give sermons in the church.

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