Gilgamesh and Enkidu Meets Frida Kahlo - Self Portrait With Cropped Hair (1940)


This painting is titled Self Portrait with Cropped Hair which was made in 1940. This painting was made after Frida Kahlo divorced Diego Rivera, a famous Mexican painter. Frida Kahlo has been married for 10 years with Rivera. Frida and Rivera both migrated to the United States and had careers as artists in the United States. Like most women who break up, they cut their hair as a symbol of bad luck. Frida threw away the Tehuana dress that had made Diego Rivera obsessed with her. Frida is very upset after this divorce. In fact, he immersed himself in grief and often played sad songs. In the painting, you can see the lyrics of a troubled song and its scales above Frida Kahlo's head. Frida quotes a lyric from a song from Mexico, a Spanish song more or less translated into English like this:

 "See, if I loved you, it was for your hair, now you're bald, I don't love you any more."

This divorce has a huge psychological impact on Frida. Frida throws away the feminine symbols and attributes she wears, she always wears male clothes such as a suit, this can be seen in this self-portrait painting. Only earrings are what Frida maintains as a symbol of her femininity. After this divorce Frida never remarried to anyone else, in fact she finally reconciled with Rivera in 1940.

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