Agama Jawa (The Religion of Java)


Author: Clifford Geertz   

Published: Pustaka Jaya

Year Published: 1960

Category: Non-Fiction  

Clifford Geertz gave birth to this masterpiece while researching in Java on the religious attitudes of the Javanese. Geertz concludes that in terms of religious expression, Javanese ethnicity is divided into three groups: Abangan, Santri, and Priyayi. This book has become the main reference book for various social science studies on campus, to this day. Although this book has been criticized a lot lately, because it includes Priyayi who is an economic stratification not a religious stratification such as Abangan and Santri. Also because there has been a shift, the religious expression of the Priyayi is where the Priyayi Santri group begins to appear. However, this book still finds its relevance for social scientists who want to research Indonesia today.

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