Pesantren dan Pembaharuan (Islamic Boarding School and Renewal)


Author: Dawam Rahardjo

Published: LP3ES

Year Published: 1995

Category: Non-Fiction

In the book Pesantren dan Pembaruan, Dawam Rahardjo analyzes how pesantren responds to modernity. This book describes how the demands of modernity can be answered by pesantren without leaving their uniqueness and distinctiveness. This makes pesantren relatively able to survive compared to other Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia such as dayah, rangang, meunasah, and surau. The pesantren's response to the modernization of Islamic education is by updating the curriculum, teaching methods, modernizing educational facilities, and also the function of education. This has resulted in many pesantren not only teaching religious knowledge, but also modern science. Pesantren can finally answer the challenges of the times, without leaving its initial function as an Islamic religious education institution.

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