Pater Beek, SJ: Larut Tetapi Tidak Hanyut (Father Beek, SJ: Dissolve But Not Drifting)


Author: J.B. Sudarmanta

Published: Obor

Year Published: 2008

Category: Non-Fiction

Commonly known in the world, Suharto rose to power after the kidnapping incident of 6 generals and 1 captain in Lubang Buaya. This incident led to the 1965-1966 genocide against suspected Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) sympathizers. There was even a mass action by students and students, which culminated in the emergence of the “Three Demands of the People Movement” (Tri Tuntutan Rakyat/Tritura) in 1966. It is not widely known that behind the students' actions and also among the behind-the-scenes maneuvers of the anti-PKI military elite, there was a figure who became the architect of the anti-PKI movement was a Catholic priest, Josephus Gerardus Beek or commonly known as Father Beek. The figure of Pater Beek was just beginning to be known, although in a limited circle he was the ideological architect of the New Order Regime and a mentor to President Suharto. His role was very large in the transition period from the Old Order Regime to the New Order, Father Beek fostered a network of anti-PKI Catholic students which he fostered in the cadre network, Khalwat Sebulan (Khasebul). The Khasebul group played a very big role in the 20 years of the New Order, until now the rest of the network still exists. This book reveals information that is very rarely known by the Indonesian public.

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